Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Informational Text

Down Syndrome
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Directions: Read the article titled "Down Syndrome" from Kids Health website and complete an objective summary in the comment section below. 
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  2. Objective Summary

    In the article "Down Syndrome" the author explains the topic of people with down syndrome. He/she states that people with down syndrome have a harder time learning some things, but they are still capable of the same things as anyone else. She/he also states that people with down syndrome are more likely to be born with birth affects and get infections or illness. Such as leukemia a form of cancer.
    Ultimately what the author is trying to convey is that people with down syndrome have more struggles than most, but they are still like everyone else.

    Konner Smith 3rd-4rth

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  4. Objective Summary on " Down Syndrome"

    In the article, " Down Syndrome", the author discusses the topic of Down Syndrome and certain things about it.She/he declares several answers to often asked questions about Down Syndrome. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that even though people who have Down Syndrome are different than us we should still treat them the same as everyone else.
    M.E. 3/4

  5. Objective Summary on "Down Syndrome"

    In the article,"Down Syndrome," the author elaborates on the topic of a disorder called Down Syndrome. They identify the fact that people with Down Syndrome are just like regular people, with exception of the fact that they develop a little slower than us. You get Down Syndrome because of the fact that you have an extra chromosome. People with Down Syndrome often get several types of diseases, such as heart problems and infections. However, that does not prevent them form doing things that you and I do daily. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through the informative article is that people with Down Syndrome are just like us.


  6. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"

    In the article, "Down Syndrome," the author discusses the topic of Down Syndrome. She/he notes all of the ins and outs of Down Syndrome.
    Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is all the main points and features of this disease.
    NL 3/4th period

  7. In the imformational text,"Down Syndrome", according to the author analyzes the topic of Down Syndrome.He states that Down Syndrome is a lifelong condition that never goes away.
    Ultimately, what he is trying to convey through his informational text is Down Syndrome is caused by a problem with a baby's chromosomes. O.L. 3/4th Period

  8. In the informational text," Down Syndrome", the author elaborates on the topic of Down Syndrome kids how they would like to be treated.She claims that Down Syndrome kids do not look like you but they can do as much as you with special help. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through her article is Down Syndrome kids are no different from us. BM 3

  9. In the informational text,"Down Syndrome",the author reflects on the topic of how people with Down Syndrome have a harder time learning than others.He/she states that people with Down Syndrome are just like regular people., but they don't learn as fast as regular people. Ultimately, what the author is trying to covey through his/her informational text is that it informs about how Down Syndrome is a hard struggle for people. BC 3rd period.

  10. In the article it discusses that down syndrome effects could be flatter face, medical problems, and slanted eyes.They have a harder time reading and learning but they are still capable of thing that normal people are.Lm 3/4th

  11. In the informational text, "Down Syndrome", Mary L. Gavin, explores the topic of Down Syndrome. She proposes that people with Down Syndrome want to live like normal people.
    Ultimately, what Mary is trying to convey through her informational text is kids with Down Syndrome have a risky life.

    AL 3rd

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  13. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"

    In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author discusses the topic of down syndrome. S/he states that kids with down syndrome can live normal lives and go to normal schools. People get down syndrome when they are born due to a defect in there chromosomes. This can cause a number of birth defects such as leukemia, heart defects, and more. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that kids with down syndrome can be and want to be treated like everybody else.

    G.M. 5th-6th

  14. Objective Summary

    In the article,"Down Syndrome", Mary L. Gavin discusses the topic of children born with Down Syndrome. She states that Down Syndrome is a defect that happens to children before birth that causes many health problems.
    Ultimately, what Mary L. Gavin is trying to convey through her article is that Down Syndrome may cause many health problems, but that does not stop children with this disease from living full lives.

    M.L. 5th-6th

  15. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"

    In the informational text, "Down Syndrome", Mary L. Gavin, discusses the topic of Down Syndrome. She states that people with Down Syndrome may look different, but they want to be treated just the same as others. Ultimately, what Mary is trying to convey through her informational text is that people with Down Syndrome have a tough life, but they don't expect to be treated different from others.

    HM 5/6th period

  16. In the article down syndrome, Mary L. Gavin addresses the topic of down syndrome. She thinks people with down syndrome may have heart problems. There appeirence may be different from normal. Extra chromosomes is the explanation for down syndrome
    EG 5th 6th

  17. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"
    In the article,"Down Syndrome",Mary L. Gavin, explores the topic of down syndrome. She states that people with down syndrome can live normal lives. The article says that people with down syndrome go to,class,sports,and other thing just like other people. Some of them get help when they have a hard time in class. Ultimately,what Mary L. Gavin is trying to convey through her article is even though someone has down syndrome the can have a normal life like you.
    by R.P. 5&6 period

  18. In the text, "Down Syndrome", Mary L. Gavin, explains the topic of Down Syndrome. She claims that down syndrome people can do as much stuff as regular people can.
    Ultimately, what Mary is trying to say is that down syndrome people can have a life just like us.
    LA 5th 6th

  19. Objective Summary "Down Syndrome " ,some people have Down Syndrome .People get Down Syndrome when they born . Kids that have Down Syndrome goes to regular schools .They like to be treated like everybody else.


  20. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"

    In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author elaborates on the topic of people that have Down Syndrome. S/he states that people with Down Syndrome are just like ordinary people but they learn differently and look differently than most people.Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that just because people that have Down Syndrome are a a little different than us, they shouldn't be treated no differently than anyone else.
    H.D. 5th-6th

  21. obejective summary

    In the article "Down Syndrome" Mary L. Gavin, discusses the topic of Down Syndrome.She notes that people with Down Syndrome can live off from Down syndrome are have heart disease.Ultimately, what Mary is trying to convey through her texts is life saving, and very harmful.

    D.C 5th/6th

  22. In the article, " Down Syndrome," Mary L. Gavin, elaborates on Down Syndrome. She stats that kids with this disorder are born with it and will always have it. They can have many medical disorders. Ultimately what Mary L. Gavin is trying get more people too understand what Down Syndrome is.
    CB 5/6

  23. In the Article,"Down Syndrome", Mary L Gavin, Focuses on the topic of Down Syndrome. She maintain's that people with Down Syndrome "should be treated like everyone else with the same respect". Ultimately, what Mary is trying to convey through her article is Kid's with Down Syndrome should'nt have a risky life we should help make them have a great life like everyone else!

  24. objective summary "Down syndrome"

    In the passage "Down Syndrome",it explains how people with the syndrome have many different types of birth defects. It tells you the reasons why they have the syndrome, but it tells you that the kids can also do things like normal children. children with this syndrome often have a hard time learning new things and having an independent life. They have special classes where the pace is slower and you they can catch on better. Overall, Down Syndrome is something that can effect you for the rest of your life, but it can't take happiness from you.

  25. In the article "Down Syndrome" Mary L.Gavin focuses on down syndrome.She notes that down syndrome kids are just like everyone else.They are trying to find a way to prevent it or improve the health and the people who have down syndrome.Ultimately,what Mary is trying to convey through her article is down syndrome kids are just like everyone else but just a little more help then some people.H.S

  26. In the informational text "Down Syndrome", Mary L. Gavin, explains how people with Down Syndrome have a hard time learning than other people. He or She explains that Down Syndrome are like regular people, but they don't learn fast as regular people. The author is trying to explain that people with Down Syndrome has harder life than others.

    C.B. 6/7

  27. In article, " Down Syndrome," the author explains the topic of down syndrome. The down syndrome people are just like other people. They are nothing wrong with the down syndrome people. Some of them is born with down syndrome.

  28. In article, " Down Syndrome," the author explains the topic of down syndrome. The down syndrome people are just like other people. They are nothing wrong with the down syndrome people. Some of them is born with down syndrome.

  29. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"

    In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author focuses on the topic of what are the characteristics, reasons and health problems that a kid with down syndrome often deals with during its life.
    The author states that children with down syndrome are slower than other kids when it comes to learning and developing. It also states that having health problems is really common.
    Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through its article is that even though kids with down syndrome are slower when it comes to learning and growing they are pretty much like us.

    L. F. 7th & 8th pd.

  30. In the article of the website,"Down Syndrome," the author explains the details of there conditions. He/She tells of there conditions.

    The kids with down syndrome has 47 chromes instead 46. Down syndrome kids has alot of mental problems like a cancer and all that. There just the same as we.

    Ultimatey, what the author to convey said of there condition of the down syndrome.

    E.A.B 7/8

  31. In the article,"Down Syndrome",the author addresses the topic of down syndrome.The author discusses that people with down syndrome aren't as healthy as others.
    Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey is that it is harder for people with this disease to be regular.

  32. Objective Summary "Down Syndrome"

    In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author discusses the topic of down syndrome.S/he describes the affects of down syndrome. Down syndrome is no playing matter people with down syndrome are most likely prone to infections and the infections they get last longer. Some people with down syndrome have eye/ear problems, digestive/constipation, or leukemia, a kind of cancer, they also tend to grow and develop slower. Babies with down syndrome have an extra chromosome or at least an part on the chromosome.Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey is down syndrome is no laughing matter and the affects can be devastating.

    R.B. 7/8

  33. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"
    In the article, Down Syndrome, the author explains the topics of Down Syndrome. S/he notes that down syndrome people are like any other people, but just looks and acts differently than normal kids. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that down syndrome people can't help the way they are and they want to be treated the same way normal people would like to be treated. There is nothing wrong with them and sometimes they can fix it with surgery.
    S.L.T 7th & 8th period

  34. Objective Summary of "Down Syndrome"
    In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author discusses the topic of Down Syndrome. S/he implies that even if they might look different then us and talk different doesn't meant that you should pick on them or do anything to them!

    All kids and adults that have Down Syndrome have life harder on them way much more then we do and they still enjoy their lives every SINGLE DAY!! They are just like me, my friends , and everybody else a normal person. They do everything we do and most probably can do better then us!

    Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that they are just normal people like all of the human race.

  35. In the article, " Down Syndrome," the author explains the topic of that down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder caused by an error in cell division that results in an extra 21st chromosome.S/he states that the condition leads to impairments in both cognitive ability and physical growth that range from mild to moderate developmental disabilities.

  36. In the article, "Down Syndrome", the author explains the topic of Down Syndrome. S/he states that people with Down Syndrome are born with it. Where most babies have 46 chromosomes, babies with Down Syndrome have 47. People with Down Syndrome have a flatter face and upward slanting eyes, and they may have medical problems too, such as heart defects. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her article is that people with Down Syndrome may be different than you, but they seek to be treated with respect, fairness, and friendship.

    T.W. 7th/8th
