Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Fish on a Farm | Ocean Today

Fish on a Farm | Ocean Today


  1. In the video,"Fish on a Farm",the speaker discusses the topic of fish farming. He/she states that farmers get baby fish and raise them in a netted basket suspended in the ocean. Once the fish are grown the are taken to a local market and sold. Ultimately,what the speaker is trying to convey through his/her video is the practice of fish farming and some of its benefits.

  2. In the article "Fish on a Farm," the video creator discusses the topic of how fish are farmed. They note that about half of the fish we eat in restaurants are from fish farms. There are many different ways to farm fish, but every process starts the same. The baby fish are raised until they are large enough to be contained in a small area of the ocean. While there are many concerns about fish farming, like that the fish food is actually old small fish and the fish cages could cause water pollution, it still supplies most of our seafood supply. Ultimately, what the creator of this video is trying to convey through this video is that though fish farming causes some concerns, it is still how we get a majority of our seafood.

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  4. In the video,"Fish On a Farm," the video maker discusses the topic of fish being raised and sold on a farm. The video makers claim that they all start out with baby fish or fingerlings raised in a hatchery. Once they are large enough, the fish are placed in either surface pens near the shore or submersible cages in the open ocean. The netting or cages allow ocean water to flow in and out, but keeps the fish contained in one area. Ultimately, what the video makers are trying to convey through their video is that fish are now being raised on farms and brought into the market.

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  6. In the video "Fish on a Farm" the directer discusses the topic of fish farms. She notes that people head to there local farmer markets to sell their fruits and veggies, there is a new farm in town a fish farm. Over 80% of the seafood we eat is imported and half of that is farmed. They use variety of methods to raise these fish. They all started out as a baby raised in a hatchery. There are some environmental concerns associated with fish farming. For example, the pellets used to feed the fish are actually made from small fish caught in the wild. Another concern is that too many cages in the wrong location can lead to water pollution. Ultimantely what the directer is trying to convey through his video is that fish farms can be a good thing but there is some concerns about the environment.


  7. In the video "Fish on a Farm" Ocean Today discusses the topic of how we have a new farmer. They are called fish farmers. Fish farmers are very important,we also import over 80% of the seafood we eat, and half of that is farmed.Farmers raise finfish using a variety of methods, but they all start out with baby fish or fingerlings raised in a hatchery. And they are a really important fish in the food chain. Experts are also finding alternative ingredients for fish meals. Ultimately what Ocean Today is trying to convey through their video is that we are getting new farmers and that they are a big deal in our society.

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  10. In the video,"Fish on a Farm," the narrator discusses the topic of fish farms across the U.S. The U.S. imports over 80% of the seafood we eat but now fish farms are being made. A fish farm is basically a bunch of fish in a big net that start as baby fish and grow until they can be taken to market and sold. Fish farming can produce jobs and profit instead of paying other countries to import fish for our economy. Ultimately, what the narrator is trying to convey through this video is that having fish farms in America is better than importing fish from other places. W.A.

  11. In the video, Fish on a Farm, the director discusses the topic of the farming of fish. They state that we import 80% of the seafood we eat. Half of that food is farmed. Because of this, healthy seafood has prompted a revival for the fish farming industry. Fish farmers raise fin fish using a variety of methods, but they all start with baby fish or fingerlings raised in a hatchery. Ultimately, what the director is trying to convey through the video is that fish of many kinds will have its own farm.

  12. in the video,Fish on a farm,by ocean today discusses the topic of fish farmers.they assert that in the U.S we import over 80% of type seafood we eat.People grow and raise fish from babies.Ultimately,what Ocean Today is trying to convey through their video is we need to find a safer way to raise fish.

  13. In the video "Fish on a Farm" the narrator discusses the topic of fish farmers in the U.S. In the U.S., half of the 80% of seafood we import and eat is farmed. Farmers raise finfish using a variety of different methods. After it all, the fish are then prepped, placed on ice, and taken to market. This growing demand for safe, healthy seafood has prompted a revival of the Fish Farming Industry here at home. Ultimately what the author is trying to convey through this video, is about the fish farming in the U.S.


  14. In the article "Fish on a Farm," the video director discusses the topic of how fish are farmed. They note that about half of the fish places where we eat at gets their fish from fish farms. There are many ways to farm fish but everyone process began the same. The new born fish are cared for until big enough to be in the ocean by them selves. Ultimately, what the video director is trying to convey through this video is that fishing could be a concern, but it's still where we get most of our fish from.
