Monday, December 5, 2016

Bell Activity & Objective Summary Template

Bell work (5-7 minutes)
Semisweet chocolate has half as much chocolate as cocoa.

--Question pulled from BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT
49. Which of the following correctly punctuates a parenthetical expression?
A. The modernist movement in literature attracted many writers. Eugene O'Neill however, was one of the most famous.
B. The modernist movement in literature attracted many writers. Eugene O'Neill; however, was one of the most famous.
C. The modernist movement in literature attracted many writers. Eugene O'Neill, however, was one of the most famous.
D. The modernist movement in literature attracted many writers. Eugene O'Neill; however was one of the most famous.

  Use commas to set off parenthetical expression
Common Parenthetical Expressions:  in fact, after all, however, on the other hand, generally speaking, for example, of course, I believe.
  In fact, Emily Dickinson is my favorite poet.

  You are, I hope, planning to arrive on time.


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