Sunday, January 26, 2014

Narrative Remediation


Narratives are written with the purpose to ENTERTAIN.  Story Telling can be both fictional and nonfictional, but you must maintain your purpose.
Narrative writing is writing that tells a story, whether true or fictional. Here you'll find help for writing a variety of narrative essays.

Fiction: Not based on factual events

Historical Fiction: Not based on factual people, but does contain historical accuracy.

Non Fiction: Based on factual events and people.

  • Biography: About someone else life.
  • Autobiography: Told about your own life.
  • Personal: Shares in important event from your own life.

mandatory assignments:

1. Write your autobiography.
2. Interview a family member (the oldest member preferably).  Write a biography on their life.
3. Complete at least three prompts from the prompts list on this page.

Alternate to replace any one of the above:
1. Create a biography on anyone you are studying in a general education class such as history, science, or health.  

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