Sunday, January 26, 2014

Bell Work: Week of January 27, 2014


Underline each appositive in the following sentences. Remember to add commas
 if needed.

1. George Washington our first president had wooden false teeth.
2. He and his wife Martha lived at Mount Vernon in Virginia.
3. Martha a widow had children from her first marriage.
4. Washington’s home Mount Vernon is open to the public.
5. Martha Washington’s husband George was a farmer as well as a politician


Underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

1. John and Tanya (was, were) very upbeat.
2. Parents and friends sometimes (shout, shouts) a lot at basketball games.
3. Laughter (swell, swells) up in his chest and nearly (make, makes) him choke.
4. She (write, writes) to her family each day.
5. Peas and carrots (is, are) my favorite vegetables.


The following excerpt is from Growing Up by the American author Russell Baker.
 Indicate whether each of the underlined action verbs in the excerpt is transitive or
 intransitive by writing T or I in the space above the word. If the verb is transitive,
 underline the direct object twice.

For the first time, light shone on a possibility. Writing couldn’t lead to a job after

high school, and it was hardly honest work, but Mr. Fleagle had opened a door for

me. After that I ranked Mr. Fleagle among the finest teachers in the school. My

mother beamed with delight when I showed her Mr. Fleagle’s A-Plus and described

my triumph.


Underline each direct object once, and underline each indirect object twice.

1. I sang Tanya a song about happiness.

2. She drank juice for breakfast every day.

3. The glee club offers students an opportunity to sing.

4. The dogs licked José in the face.

5. Nick tossed Alicia a big, juicy apple.

6. Each of the players knew the rules.

7. The children loved the clown.

8. Parents asked teachers many questions.

9. The little girl ate a lollipop.

10. The little boy gave his mother a drawing.


Rewrite each sentence to express passive voice.

1. Eliza won first place in the marathon. 

2. Several friends admired my new bike. 

3. I broke the window last week. 

4. My friend patted me briskly on the shoulder. 

5. The singer created excitement wherever he went. 

Narrative Remediation


Narratives are written with the purpose to ENTERTAIN.  Story Telling can be both fictional and nonfictional, but you must maintain your purpose.
Narrative writing is writing that tells a story, whether true or fictional. Here you'll find help for writing a variety of narrative essays.

Fiction: Not based on factual events

Historical Fiction: Not based on factual people, but does contain historical accuracy.

Non Fiction: Based on factual events and people.

  • Biography: About someone else life.
  • Autobiography: Told about your own life.
  • Personal: Shares in important event from your own life.

mandatory assignments:

1. Write your autobiography.
2. Interview a family member (the oldest member preferably).  Write a biography on their life.
3. Complete at least three prompts from the prompts list on this page.

Alternate to replace any one of the above:
1. Create a biography on anyone you are studying in a general education class such as history, science, or health.  

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Parent Academy

Schedule for Parent Academy
Seminary Middle School

8th Grade

6:00 – 6:15        1st Period Teacher

6:15 – 6:17        Pass

6:17 – 6:27        2nd Period Teacher

6:27 – 6:29        Pass

6:29 – 6:39        3rd Period Teacher

6:39 – 6:41        Pass

6:41 – 6:51        4th Period

6:51 – 6:53        Pass

6:53 – 7:03        5th Period

7:03 – 7:05        Pass

7:05 – 7:15        6th Period

7:15 – 7:17        Pass

7:17 – 7:27        7th Period

7:27 – 7:45        Teachers remain in classrooms to meet with parents who have questions.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Verbs: Moods

Happy New Year!

Happy, Happy New Year! Here’s to fresh starts and new beginnings. This 9wks, the students will be focusing on writing a personal narrative on an event or an experience in their lives. They will be taught to write a beginning paragraph which will include the characters and setting, a middle paragraph with the events, supporting facts or details to help the reader imagine the event or experience and an ending that ties it all together. We will continue to review correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Students will also learn to form and use verbs in the indicative, imperative, interrogative, conditional, and subjunctive mood.