Saturday, September 21, 2013

Introduction to Shakespeare

We are starting are unit on Shakespeare. Have you read any of his works?
Follow the link below for a wonderful prezi created about his life and accomplishments.

Text Selection: This exemplar text, taken from Shakespeare’s play, As You Like It, addresses universal themes with regard to aging and the meaning of lifeThe organizational structure of the speech, as well as the illuminating imagery, offers vivid and concrete avenues for exploration and close reading.

The Text: Shakespeare, William. Jaques Soliloquy from As You Like It (Act II, Scene vii)

                                All the world's stage,
And all the men anwomen merely players;
They havtheiexits and theientrances, And one man in his time playmany parts,
5      His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant, Mewling and puking ithe nurse's arms. Thethe whining schoolboy, with hisatchel Andshininmorning face, creeping like snailUnwillingly to school. And then thlover,
10   Sighinlike furnacewith woeful ballad Made to himistresseyebrowThen a soldier,
Fulostrange oaths and beardelike the pardJealous in honorsudden and quicin quarrel, Seeking thbubblreputation
15   Even ithe cannon's mouth. Anthen the justice,
In fairound bellwith good capolined, With eyesevere and bearof formal cut, Fulowissawand moderinstances; And she plays his part. The sixth age shifts
20   Into the leaand slippered pantaloon,
With spectacleonose and pouch oside;
His youthful hosewelsaved, a world too wide
For hishrunk shankand his bimanlvoiceTurning agaitowarchildish treble, pipes
25    And whistlein his sound. Lasscene of allThat ends thistrange eventful history,
Iseconchildishness anmeroblivion,
Sans teethsans eyessans tastesans everything.

 sad; song that tells a story
  a leopard
chicken-like fowl

                                the latest news or thing

                                ¾ length pants

                                stockings worn by fashionable men 
                                with pantaloons; calf of leg

                                  total forgetfulness 
                                  without (French)


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  5. Ally M, period 1
    "With loves light wings did i o'er perch these walls."

    I think this line is beautiful because he says love drove him over the wall. Romeo shows that he truly loves her by doing anything to get to juliet.He will risk getting caught by her family because his love for juliet.

  6. I agree with Ally M, it is beautiful and he is risking his life for her because he is in love. Lilee P, first period

  7. MB 3rd
    in the text "Soliloquy from As You Like It" the author William Shakespeare talks about the cycle of life from when your a baby the "entrance" till you die the "exit"

    1. MB 3rd
      In the text "As You Like It" the author William Shakespeare talks about the cycle of life. From when your a baby the "entrance" till you die the "exit".It states that as you get older your body and your senses change from how it was when you were younger.

  8. p.e.
    In the text,"As You Like I," William Shakespeare discusses the stages of life from an infant to an elderly. The text conveys that as you get older, your body and your feelings change. Ultimately,what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his text is that you cannot stay young forever so learn to grow up and enjoy it.

    1. *"As You Like It"
      *Ultimately, what

  9. In the excerpt from "As You Like It" the author, William Shakespeare, is trying to convey the idea of how he thinks that everyone that has ever walked the earth, which he compares to a stage, are just actors or players in the massive play of life. He also compares people's deaths to entrances and exits in the plays. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his excerpt is his view on the world and all the people in it. -CJT 3rd - 4th Period.

  10. From the exert, "As you like it," the author is trying to convey the topic of life being like a play and the world is like a stage. He explains that everyone are players of this play. Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his/her exert is that life is sometimes like a play and everyone can be a player. LB

  11. k.w.
    In this text, "As You Like It", William Shakespeare discusses the stages of life. It states that we have all these stages and then we die. There are many steps in life. Ultimately what the author is trying to convey through his text is there are many exits and entrances in life.

  12. AD 3-4th period
    In the poem, As You Like It, William Spakespeare discusses how life is a stage to him. It explains to the reader that some "enter" while others "exit." In other words, he's trying to explain are people born and others are born. This lets the reader know he is going to write about life and death. What William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his poem is that life can become a stage if you have something to write about.

  13. J.P.S.
    Mrs. Cascio
    3rd period

    In this excerpt of the play, "As You Like It," William Shakespeare provides a metaphor about how life is similar to a stage. He explains that all of the stages of life to characters on a stage. What William Shakespeare is trying to convey through this excerpt is that everybody has an entrance and an excerpt.

  14. In the poem, As you like it, the author is trying to convey the play and the world in a comparison.He emphasizes that everyone is a player and puppet in one big world that is a play.

    Ultimately, what the author is trying to convey through his poem is the view of the world in his eyes.-W.G.

  15. In the text "Soliloquy As You Like It" William Shakespeare describes about the life cycle.He talks about how when you are born that is the "entrance" of life and when you die it is "exiting."MD 3rd

  16. H.M.H.
    Mrs. Cascio

    In this exert from the play,"As You Like It", William Shakespeare pretty much describes the stages of life as if it was all one big play. For instance, he describes how we go from baby, to a young child, to teenagers, and then on to our twenty's , Then to our forty's, then to our eighty's and finally to our death. Ultimately, what Shakespeare was trying to convey through this exert is that we live, we die ,but it is the part in between those years that is truly important.

  17. From the exert, "As You Like It" the author, William Shakespeare, is trying to convey the topic of how he thinks everyone has ever walked the earth and compares them to the stage. He explains people's deaths to exits and entrances to the plays. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his exert is his thought of the world and the people in it. LB

  18. January 25,2017

    In this poem,"As You Like It," William Shakespeare writes about all the stages of life and who you want to let them into yours.He explains that you can let people enter and leave your life. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare's is trying to convey through his poem is that our life has many stages to it and we need to know who to let in out lifes

  19. T.D.D.
    3/4 period
    In the text, "As You Like It", William Shakespeare conveys that we all have stages in life. He tells us that we are all born and we all die. Ultimately, what William is trying to convey through his text is that life is a stage and we are all players upon it.

  20. Objective Summary
    7th/8th period
    In the text,"As You Like it", William Shakespeare conveys that everyone goes through stages in life. He tells us that everyone is born but you all end up dying. Ultimately, what Will is trying to convey through his text is that everyone has the same stages in life but other people handle it differently.

  21. H.A.
    7th/8th Period
    Mrs. Cascio
    In the poem, "As You Like It", William Shakespeare discusses the life cycle. He notes that we have a long life, but not a forever life. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his poem is life can be great, but life can also not be so great.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. T.S.
      7th/8th Period

      In this poem,"As You Like It," William Shakespeare discusses the topic of a life cycle. He states that as life goes on, people come then they go. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his poem is life cycles change, and as they change different people change and leave as new come in and take their place.

  23. B.J.B
    7/8 period

    In the play "As You Like It", William Shakespeare discusses the topic of our every day life style or cycle. He notes the everybody has an important role in life and somewhere to end. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his play is the cycle of life and death.

  24. In the poem, "As You Like It," William Shakespeare conveys that we all have stages in life. He explains people's deaths to exits and entrances to the plays.

  25. m.r

    In the excerpt from the play "As You Like It," William Shakespeare discusses the stages of life. He says that as a person gets older, they have many responsibilities, roles, and changes. Ultimately, what Shakespeare is trying to convey through the excerpt from his play is there are many stages in life and people have to go through it.

  26. In the text,As you like it,William Shakespeare convery that we all have different stages in life . William tells us the different stage in life from when we are born to the day we die ! Ultimately, what William is trying to tell us is to live life as free as we can !D.A.T


  27. S.C.
    7/8th period

    In the text,"As You Like It", William Shakespeare talk about how the way life is, or the stages in life. Ultimately, what William is trying to convey through his text is life is tough than it already is , you just gone have to depend on it.,

  28. T.S.
    7th/8th Period

    In this poem,"As You Like It," William Shakespeare discusses the topic of a life cycle. He states that as life goes on, people come then they go. Ultimately, what William Shakespeare is trying to convey through his poem is life cycles change, and as they change different people change and leave as new come in and take their place.

  29. J.B.
    7th/8th period
    In the excerpt,"As You Like It",William Shakespeare the topic of the life cycle.He states that "they have their exits and their entrances". Ultimately, what he is trying to convey is there is a cycle of life or describe the cycle.

  30. In the poem, All The World's A Stage, Shakespeare focuses on the topic of all the men and women merely. He clams that his life. Ultimately, what Shakespeare is trying to convey through his poem is what his life was.

  31. E.B

    In the play,"Romeo and Juliet". Shakespeare Williams addresses the topic of How Romeo and Juliet was in love. She/He Discusses How they had an unbreakable bond. Ultimately, what Shakespeare is trying to convey through his/her play is love can be very strong.
