Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Standard English

Be prepared to discuss the following questions.
Why is it important to use Standard English grammar to compose and edit?
What do you think Standard English grammar means? 


"We need to know Standard English, but we need to know it critically, analytically, and in the context of language history. We also need to understand the regularity of nonstandard variants. If we approach good and bad grammar in this way, the study of language will be a liberating factor--not merely freeing learners from socially stigmatized usage by replacing that usage with new linguistic manners, but educating people in what language and linguistic manners are all about."

Edwin L. Battistella, Bad Language: Are Some Words Better Than Others? Oxford Univ. Press, 2005.

: the English that with respect to spelling, grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary is substantially uniform though not devoid of regional differences, that is well established by usage in the formal and informal speech and writing of the educated, and that is widely recognized as acceptable wherever English is spoken and understood.

"Standard English." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 5 Aug. 2013.


  1. Because you need to sound professional in order to get things that you need in life.

    A.D. 3
    J.M. 3

  2. Because when you go somewhere to try to get a job or something, they want understand what you are saying if you don't say it correctly.
    C.B. 3
    A.S. 3

  3. Grammar is very important.

  4. Grammar is very important because you need it to get through life.

    C.D.B 4
    L.L.M 4

  5. It is important to use Standard English grammar because when you have to write reports for school/work you need to sound professional so everyone who reads it knows what you are talking about.

    I think that Standard English grammar means correct usage of the English language.
    C.S. 4th

  6. You need to know English Grammar because you may have a job that uses a lot of English Grammar.

    A.M.S 4
    S.E.K 4

  7. Because you will need to use standard english grammar in your everyday life.

    D.C.D 6
    C.C.H 6

  8. If you dont't start using proper grammar now, in the future, people won't be able to understand what you are saying. You need grammar for your evryday life. ex. when you are trying to get a job or something if you dont't use grammar you may not get the job because the boss might not could understand your "grammar" Grammar is very important.


  9. It is important to use Standard English grammar because when you have to write reports for school you need to sound professional about your topic and if its not right, you get a bad grade.

    The correct usage of "Standard English Grammer" to me is the correct grammer to use everyday with everything you do. Reports, Paperwork, even test in school can be failed without the proper use of gramer.

  10. you need to know standard english DMC

  11. i think satndard english is very important and you need to know it FCN
