Sunday, October 6, 2013

Writing Prompt: Due by October 11, 2013

You must post your own reply and then respond to one other classmate. You must write your first name, last initial, and class period each time you post. Example: Jackie C, period 1. You must also use academic language. Absolutely NO texting abbreviations. 

Go here to find the full text of the play:

Prompt: The "balcony scene" (Act II, scene 2) is the most famous love scene in the history of the theater. What lines spoken by Romeo or by Juliet do you think are the most important, the most interesting, or the most beautiful? Why?


  1. John Humphrey

    Line number 132 says "What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?"
    It is interesting to me because it is very nice and sweet to me.

    1. John Humphrey. 6th period. Hey it's on like donkey kong, Jack

    2. John Humphrey 4th period, Jack

  2. Landry M. period 6. "O Romeo O Romeo, where fore art thou Romeo?" This particular line is my favorite because I feel it is the most famous or well-known line of the entire play.

    1. ^^^^ I agree with you.Landry M. Period 6.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. I agree that it is the most famous/well-known line of the poem, but I think you took the easy way by picking that one. I think you couldve looked a little harder and found another one. But goodjob anyway.

      Tyler J. 1st Period

    4. I agree because it is a famous line.

      Brody B. 1st Period

    5. I agree that it is the most famous line in this play, but, like the others are saying, I think you had the easy way out, because Juliet is basically saying "Romeo, Romeo, where are you Romeo?" so, she is calling out to Romeo, asking where he is. But, good job.

      Alyssa B. 5th period

    6. Dalton C. period 6 I agree with you Landry because that is a very famous line.

  3. O, that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek?
    I choose this one because it is like a crispy white glove on her crispy white face and he wanted to touch face which would feel soft

    1. Sorry, miss casio this is Tyler Mclaurin 6th period who wrote this.

  4. My ears had not yet drunk a hundred words. I like this line because its a metaphor and she can already reconize her voice. Princess Brashears 6th period

    1. I agree.Samuel P. 7th

    2. It was a good line,and i agree with you.
      -Diamond R. 3rd P.

  5. Dylan D. Period 6
    Page 2 line 2 says " It is the east and Juliet is the sun " I like this line because it is cool how he compares her beauty to that of the sun.

    1. I agree with you . Dylan D. Period 6

    2. I agree with you,it is a very sweet metaphor
      Breana,M 3rd period

    3. I agree with you Dylan D.
      Kiona M. 3rd

    4. I like that O. Trotter

  6. For stony limits cannot hold love out. Samuel P. 7th

  7. Nicholas A. Period: 5th.

    I chose the lines that says "This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet." I chose these lines because it gives like a time they would like to meet again. And it seems that she will need time to think of a decision

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. John H. 4th /Period. I agree with you Hadden because it is very beautiful and heart-warming.

  8. Nicholas A. Period: 5th.

    To be honest, I have to agree with Dylan D. he gave a good line that compares the beauty of the sun to Juliet.

  9. J "My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: Art thou not Romeo and a Montague?"
    R "Neither, fair saint, if either thee dislike."

    This is one of my favorite parts because although Juliet and Romeo can hardly speak, Romeo would basically give up anything for her including his name.

    Katryn, S. 1st.

    1. i agree with you because it shows that she can distinct the voice of her crush without hearing only but a few words. i feel that this is very beautiful and important to show that love is powerful . Gavin S. 1st period

    2. Tyler J.1st Period
      My favorite line of the play is, "Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return."

      I like this particular line because it is beautiful and expresses their love to each other.

    3. Drew T. period 1. "O,swear not by the moon,the inconstant moon,That monthly changes in her circle orb,Lest that thy love prove likewise variable."

      This is my favorite part because Juliet says she doesn't want Romeo to turn out as inconsistant as the moon. To me this line was interesting because this line had a whole different meaning than what I thought it meant.

    4. I agree with you because it is beautiful and expresses there love.

      Tiara M, 1st Period

    5. Katryn I agree with you about that line

    6. *I

      Gavin S. 1st

    7. I agree. Romeo has only spoke a few times to her,but she could tell that voice from anywhere. That just shows how much she loves him and remembers him.
      Presley M. 1st Period.

  10. Tiara, M. 1st.

    Romeo: "Call me but love, and I'll be new baptized."
    This is one of my favorite parts of the play because it is sweet,he's saying that he will change or do anything for Juliet.

  11. Gavin S. "What's in a name? that which we call a rose
    By any other name would smell as sweet;
    So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd,
    Retain that dear perfection which he owes
    Without that title."
    I chose this line because she feels like there is no meaning in a name, that every person has there own personality, and you shouldn't be labeled by it. These lines emit true beauty and show her love for Romeo.

    1. I agree and I think this is beautiful as well. This shows that Juliet loves Romeo for who he is, not his label.

    2. ^^^^ Katryn, S. 1st

    3. I agree with with Katyrn and Gavin, this is beautiful and Juliet loves him for him she doesnt care about his name. Lilee,P First Period

    4. Toni R. 5th period
      I agree with you Gavin. Those lines do emit true beauty.

    5. Cambre M. 6th period
      (((even though you took my line AND YOU TOLD ME YOU STOLE IT))) I have to agree with you because I love how she's saying his name is basically meaningless. She loves Romeo for himself, not his name.

  12. Presley M. 1st Period

    'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
    Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
    What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.

    I thought that these lines were beautiful and important. Juliet is saying that it's not the name that makes the man but his personatity that determines who he is. A name means nothing to her,but yet it means so much.

    1. good point in that line. Ian.C 1st period.

    2. Nothing has ever been more true./// Cameron H. 6th Period

  13. "O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon,that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that they love prove ". I like this quote because it sounds intresting and beautiful;It just popped out when I read it. What this quote means is do not promise on the moon because the moon is not steady. It changes every month. So don't swear on it unless your love changes all the time also. It is saying, don't promise your love to me on something that changes all the time unless your love for me will change also.
    Lilee,P First period

  14. Dillen s.
    I like this line. I have Nights cloak to hide me from their sight.
    I like this poem because it is sweet.

  15. Brody B. 1st Period
    The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
    As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven
    Would through the airy region stream so bright
    That birds would sing and think it were not night.
    I chose this because it tells that her beauty shines brighter than the stars.

  16. Ian.C 1st period, "Goodnight a thousand times." I think this line is sweet because it reminds you like when you were a child and your mother used to tell you the same thing when you went to bed.

    1. Tyler S. 3rd period i agree with you ian.It does remind you when your mom use to tell you that.

  17. Taylor H, period 1
    "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

    I thought this was a very beautiful line because they will do anything, even go against their families, for each other. They have a very poweruful love.

    1. I agree with Taylor because the couple will do anything to be together, even going against your family.

      Carsen S.
      4th period

    2. I agree with you,Taylor. This line shows how strong their love is for each other and that is beautiful.
      Carlee W. 4th period

  18. Tyeshia S. 1st period

    My faviorate part was when Juliet said "O Romeo O Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and fefuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a capulet." I like this quote because it sounds interesting and beautiful.

  19. ''Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some bussiness do entreat, Her eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return.What if her eyes were there, they in her head?''The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright.

    Kailynn T. 1st Period

  20. "It is the east and Juliet is the Sun."

    I choose this line because it was sweet and romanatic and it was kind to compare somebody to the beautiful bright shining sun.
    -Diamond R. 3rd Period

    1. I agree to your explanation because its very interesting to read. You also chose a good line from the poem.

      Ayanna, S. 3rd period.

    2. I you because that is a romantic line P.B.

  21. Ayanna, S. 3rd period.
    "As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven". I chose this because it was interesting because she doesnt need light because her eyes is like a light. She doesnt need a lamp because her daylight is the light.

    1. Q'vaius C. 3rd Period
      I agree with you. Because the daylight is light and hers eyes is like a light.

    2. i think your comment was sweet and to me it real beauiful

      Kadijah L. 3rd period

  22. "I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
    And but thou love me, let them find me here:
    My life were better ended by their hate,
    Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."
    I chose this because, I think its beauitiful and sweet that he would rather love her and die than want her love and live.
    Breana,m. 3rd Period

    1. I have to agree with Breana. That is very sweet. Good point!
      Amy S. 4th period

  23. Tyler S. 3rd period "Lady, by yonder blessed moon I swear
    That tips with silver all these fruit-tree tops".The reason i choose this line is because its like he's comparing her beauty to the tops of a fruit tree.

    1. agreeable i do like this line indeed
      douglas f.

  24. Jonathan Brown 3rd period:Henceforth I never will be Romeo. I like this line because it relates to me, like when i do something wrong I say I will never be myself this line is very interesting to me.

    1. It really relates to me to. Dewayne,H. period3

    2. I made a mistake in one of my paragraphs ,so I need to go back and fix it.

    3. that's wassup Jon Jon

  25. Dewayne,H. Period3
    "Come to thy heart as that within my breast. I think that his poem was beautiful, because it is talking about when she gets ready to go to bed, and it's telling you that she is talking about something coming to her heart. This poem is really good for us to know. She probaly is telling Romeo that he can ask her anthing he wants to tell.

    1. I made a mistake in one of my paragraphs, so I have to go back and fix it.

  26. Q'vaius C. 3rd Period
    ''O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I'll no longer be a Capulet.''

    I Liked this one because it reminds me of my Mother. In its Cute.

    1. you didn't even put the correct word for your sentence where it says in you must mean't ",and"

  27. Douglas F. my favorite line would honestly have to be "Well, do not swear: although I joy in thee,
    I have no joy of this contract to-night:
    It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;
    Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be
    Ere one can say 'It lightens.' Sweet, good night!
    This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
    May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet.
    Good night, good night! as sweet repose and rest
    Come to thy heart as that within my breast"!
    this is indeed my favorite line because its funny and shows the love between the lovers

    sincerly and emphatically douglas freeman

    1. You didn't put your class period!
      Smith, Tye

    2. I agree with, Tiara M. because line is interesting, informing, and persuadive.

  28. Smith, Tye. 3rd Period
    Act 2, Scene2


    "But to be frank, and give it thee again.
    And yet I wish but for the thing I have:
    My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
    My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
    The more I have, for both are infinite."

    This quote is most beautiful, because she is expressing the way she feel about love.

  29. Charles B. 3rd period my quote from Romeo and Juliet is ''Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,
    Having some business, do entreat her eyes
    To twinkle in their spheres till they return.''

    I liked this because it is interesting. It shows that he want to be with here until they die.

    1. I agree with you, Charles B , your right it is interesting.
      Isaac R. 3rd period.

    2. I like this line because it is very interesting and it shows that he want to be with her until they die!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I made a mistake on ''here'' it is supposed to be ''her'' Charles B.

  30. Isaac,R.3rd period
    I liked the line " I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight;
    And but thou love me, let them find me here:
    My life were better ended by their hate,
    Than death prorogued, wanting of thy love. "
    I like these lines because he would rather live with her and die than to die alone.

  31. Ciera, B. Thou know'st the mask of the night is on face my,
    Else would a maiden blush bepaint my check
    For that which thou hast heard me speak to-night

    I like this line because it explians the way people do when a cute boy come around and they just smile and blush. I think that is so sweet and romantic.

    1. I agree with you Ciera, that is sweet. You chose a good line. You spelled "explains' wrong though. Anna D. 3rd Period

  32. Anna D. 3rd period
    "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
    I like this quote because she loves Romeo and her father doesnt like him, but Juliet doesnt care because she wants to be with him.

  33. Jonathan Brown 3rd period:Henceforth I never will be Romeo. I like this line beacause it relates to me. Like when I do something wrong I say I will never be myself I really like this line because its interesting

    1. I agree with you...... It does relateto you ....

      -Annjoua K

  34. Kadijah L. 3rd period
    "Well do not swear althought i joy in thee i have no joy of this contract to night it is too rash unadvised toosudden too like the lightning ,which doth cease to be ere one can say it lightnings sweet good night this bud of love by summer ripening breath may prove a beauteous flower when next we meet goodnight good night a sweet repose and rest come to thy heart heart as that within my breast."

  35. Kaitlin,E .3rd period.

    "This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath,
    May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet."
    I like this line because he is comparing her to a beautiful flower.
    And i really love how he is comparing her to nature.

    1. I agree Kaitlin. It is beautiful how he is comparing her to a flower. Cambry B. 4th Period

    2. I agree with you because he is saying that she is pretty. Kristi B. 6th period

  36. Kiona,M. 3rd
    lines 19-22
    "The brightness of her cheek would shome those stars. As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven.
    Would throught the airy region stream so bright.
    The birds would sing and think it were not night''.
    I chose those lines because it is very sweet that he compares her to nature,that was so sweet.

  37. "Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague." I like this line because Juliet is talking about how a name shouldn't matter. Juliet says he's himself, which is very true. She cares for Romeo, not his last name. A name will not stop her from being with Romeo. A last name is just an adress, not your personality or religion or anything else.
    Amy S. 4th period

  38. "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars."
    I chose this line because I think it's a sweet thing to say and it's a really beautiful line. Cambry B. 4th Period

    1. i agree with u cambry it is a beautiful line Brett S. 4th pd

    2. I agree with you. This line is very beautiful.
      Brooke D. 4th period

    3. I agree with you. Its beautiful because its says her cheeks shame the stars.

  39. Line three is the most beautiful to me because the line says "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." In this line Romeo is saying Juliet is beautiful, like the sun.
    Brooke D. 4th period

  40. "O Romeo O Romeo, where fore art thou Romeo" This is my favorite line, because i have heared it all my life and it is a famous line Brett S. 4th pd

    1. i agree with you

      ps you funny lookin beaux s. 4th

  41. O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
    As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
    As is a winged messenger of heaven
    i chose this line because it really show love and action of the heart.Beaux s. 4th period

  42. Tyler S.4th period, line three and four. "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon." These two lines are my favroite because they are sweet , and the way he describes Juliet is so beautiful!

    1. I agree with you because these lines decribes how Juliet is beautiful and how he doesn't care about his ex girlfriend which is the envious moon.

      Amelia B. 6th period

  43. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I'll no longer be a Capulet. "

    This qoute sticks out to me because she is disobeying her family to show her love for Romeo.

    La'Randa M. 4th period

    1. **quote I agree with you on these lines. She will do anything to be with Romeo even if it means disobeying their families.

      Lizzie A. 4th period.

    2. ****quote (I spelled it incorrectly)
      LaRanda M.

  44. "Tis but thy name that is my enemy; though art thyself, though not a Montague." I think these lines are beautiful because Juliet tells Romeo that she loves him no matter what his name is.
    Carlee W. 4th period

  45. "Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
    Thou art thyself,though not a Montague.
    What's a Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!"

    -I think these are the most meaningful lines in the play because they are trying to defy their parents' names for their love and they dont care what anyone else thinks. Pretty sweet if you ask me. Lizzie A. Fourth period.

    1. I agree with you Lizzie, are beautiful lines.
      Steffany G 6th

  46. Carsen S.
    4th period

    What's Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

    I like this quote because it says that no matter where someone comes from or if your family doesn't like them, if you really love them, you will try to be with them no matter what.

    1. Shayne Knight 4th period

      I agree with this.It's a very meaningful line.

    2. I agree with you this is one of the best lines. You didnt just take the easy way out. Good job. Tyler Steel. 4th period!

    3. I agree with you. This quote as a lot of meaning to it.

      LaRanda M. 4th period

    4. Nicholas A. Period: 5th

      Good Job Carsen. You clearly know that these lines are what people should be thinking of. Those lines have a lot of meaming to them and they could be important to everybody around the world. It doent matter if the girl's parents or the boy'sparents don't like the other child being with their kid, because as Shayne said, there is nothing that can stop love.

    5. Caleb M.- Period 6
      I agree with you becasue she says that no matter what he looks like or what his name is she will always love him. Very good line.

    6. Adarius M. Period 6
      This is showing her love for Romeo evn though their family hates eachother.

  47. Shayne K. 4th period

    My favorite quote is ''With love's light wings did i o'er-perch these walls;For the stoney limits cannot hold out love''. I chose this quote because it show that nothing can stop love.

  48. Nicholas A. Period: 5th

    I have to agree with Shayne K. because he chose a line that can help other people including adults that there is always hope that one day they will find love and there is nothing that will stop love from meeting one day.

  49. Toni R.
    5th period
    “My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.” To me I believe this is the most beautiful line. Juliet is comparing her love for Romeo to a vast and endless ocean. Well, that’s what I think it means at least.

    1. Cambre M. 6th period.
      I agree, Toni. I love this line as well because it shows that they'd go to the ends of the world for each other and they love each other to no limit. I love that!

  50. Alyssa B. 5th Period

    With loves light wings did I o'er-perch these walls;
    For stony limits cannot hold love out,
    And what love can do that dares love attempt;
    Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.

    I chose these lines because I thought it seemed sweet that he would climb the walls to be with her, even if it meant dying to reach her. He could possibly fall off the walls, falling to his death, but he'd risk it all for her. That seems like true love to me.

    1. I agree with alyssa, this line has a very good meaning.
      Erika N. 5th period.

    2. Jalena H. 5th period

      I agree with you it is a sweet and romantic because he willing to risk his life for her .

  51. Erika N.
    5th period

    Page 10
    lines 173-175

    "It is my soul that calls upon my name: How silver sweet sound lovers' tounges by night. Like the softest music to attending ears."

    I like this quote becuase its very sweet and makes known that he likes the way she talks and says his name.

    1. I agree and feel the same way with you Erika because on mine I think i have the same thing that you put

      Michael P 5th period

  52. Jalena H. 5th period

    The brigthness of her cheek would shame those stars. I like this quote because it saying that the brightness of stars would pale in comparison to her beauty so that even the stars would be ashamed to be compared to Juliet.

    1. Alyssa B. 5th period

      Jalena, I agree, because I think that line is absolutely beautiful!

  53. Michael P 5th period

    My favorite quote is lines 182-184 pg 10 where It is my soul that calls upon my name: How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night, Like softest music to attending ears!"

    It is my favorite because it's sweet how he compliments her voice and how lovely it sounds to him.

    1. I agree with you. In the first begining he talks about her through the whole play. He talks about how her voice sounds and how beautiful she is...

    2. i like this poem beacause it is sweet and she have a pretty voice

  54. Nicholas A. Period: 5th

    Amazing job Allysa! You chose a loving line that shows that someone, maybe even everyone, would do anything to be with their true love, even if it means certain death.

  55. Shannprochea Barnes
    5th period

    Page 7 line 130
    My favorite line is O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?

    I like this line because he said unsatisfied and that mean he sad.

  56. Nijah C. 5th period

    The line i liked is on page 11 line 205 says, ''Would i were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest!'' This line means that she would sleep silently and she will be happy when she go to sleep. It is an interesting line because as she leave him standing alone he thinks about her already and he maybe always think about her when he is asleep...

  57. Keylosha S.
    5th perod

    A thousand times the worse, to want thy light. Love goes toward love, as schoolboys from their books, But love from love, school with heavy looks.

    I pick this line because it beautiful. It compare love and schoolboy. And how love can draw them away from their books.

    1. I like it, it is very interesting...

  58. Paige R. 5th Period
    By love, who first did Prompt me to inquire; He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes. I am no Pilot; yet, Wert thou as far as that vast shore wash'd with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such Merchandise.

    I like this quote because they would do anything and go anywhere for each other even if their families didn't like each other.

    1. Vivica G. 6th Period

      I agree with Paige. It expresses that even though the families dont like each other, you can prove to them that liking somebody lower or higher than you doesn't matter. You love them for who they are, and not their last names.

    2. Cal L.7th period.

      I agree with you paige. Its explains that they both like each other no matter if thier families do or not

  59. Vivica G. 6th Period

    "The brightness of her cheeks would shame those stars." and "And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

    Romeo is saying those stars and her cheeks shine so bright that it brightens and makes her glow. I also like the second line because she is willing to risk it all for Romeo, and she shows she really loves him to risk it.

    1. I agree with you vivica

      Seth P

    2. I agree with you to Vivica because if she really love him she will risk it all for Romeo.
      -Contivionna O.

    3. I agree with you Vivica because I chose the same line and throught it was beautiful

  60. Steffany G 6th period
    My ears have not yet drunk a hundred words
    Of that tongue’s uttering, yet I know the sound.
    Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague?

    I like this line because it shows that she knew who he was by his voice instead of having to see him.

  61. My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee;/// I liked this line because he was willing to give up his own name because her family disaproved of it./// Cameron H. 6th Period

  62. Seth P.
    My favorite quote is "Arise ,fair sun,and kill the envious moon."

    I like this quote because i think it is interesing and beautiful

  63. Dalton C. period 6 "Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye
    Than twenty of their swords: look thou but sweet,
    And I am proof against their enmity." I chose this line because it is showing that Romeo is being brave.

  64. Nathan P. 6th period "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? I picked this line because it is easy to remember.

  65. Caleb M.- Period 6
    "A thousand times good night!" I picked this line because it caught my attention for some reason (I don't know why). It also starts the falling action of the scene which is very important. It's located on page 9, line 160.

  66. tyler mclaurin i like yours because it is beautiful.

  67. Fisher N. 6th Period.
    My favorite line in the poem would have to be line 19 "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars."
    I like this line because it shows Romeos wonderful feelings for Juliet

    1. I agree with you fisher because he is saying how bright her cheek is.

      Bobby C. 7th period

  68. Line three is the most beautifulest to me because the line says" It is the east, and juliet is the sun." I like this line beacause she is beautiful to him and she means a lot to him.
    Tyveron Morgan 6th period

  69. Cambre M. 6th period
    Line 44 says "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." I chose this line because I like how it sounds. To me, it seems that she's basically saying that even though he's a Montague, he's still the same Romeo and she still loves him either way. I really like this. It sticks out to me.

  70. Terrence P. 6th Period

    On line 27 says
    She speaks:
    O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
    As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
    As is a winged messenger of heaven
    Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
    Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
    When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
    And sails upon the bosom of the air.

    I chose this line because it is loving and sweet.

    1. I love that one alot it tells howmuch he really loves her Alize' Martin 7th period

  71. O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo. Deny thy father and refuse thy name;

    I think this line is beautiful because she don't care what her father says it's not gonna change her love for him.

    Kristi B. 6th period.

  72. "Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay'
    And I will take thy word: yet if thou swear'st
    Thou mayst prove false: At lovers' perjuries"

    I chose these lines because it says he knows that she will say she loves him even though she might not. He will just have to trust her and believe her even though she may be lying. This relates to a lot of relationships today. People must learn how to trust each other in order to be successful in a relationship.

    Amelia B. 6th Period

  73. Contivionna O. 6th Period
    My favorite quotes were "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo!" and "But to be frank, & give it thee again. I chose these two quotes because they were hilarious to me.

    1. lol I agree P.B.

    2. I agree with you Contivionna, That line is beautiful to me.

      -Annjoua K

  74. "Deny thy father and refuse thy name"
    I think this line is interesting because it doesnt state what juliet means by telling romeo deny thy father.

    1. This is by Adam C 7th period, sorry

    2. I agree with you, even though you stole it from me, they loved each other and their names couldnt hold them apart.

    3. *Brandon B. 7th period

  75. Annjoua K, 7th
    "The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,
    As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven". I chose this line because I throught it was intresting and beautiful.

  76. Cal L. 7th
    "It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.
    Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon"
    I chose these lines beacause it is desecribing how beautiful she is and how she stands out more tham others.

  77. O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?

    I chose this line because it is very interesting and beautiful. I've heard this line many times. It is a very famous line, and everyone has heard it.

    Emma P. 6th Period

  78. Brandon B. 7th period "Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I'll no longer be a Capulet." I like this line this line because her name and their families rivalry could not hold them apart fore they loved each other.

    1. I like that line to Brandon B. it describes the power of love
      Adam C. 7th period

  79. David K. It is my lady ,it's my love I like this line ,because "LOVE" is 'IMPORTANT'.

  80. Zerrick K O Romeo, O Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo. I picked it because it was beautiful and famous.

  81. Alyssa E. 7th period
    "For stony limits cannot hold love out.
    And what love can do that dares love attempt;
    Therefore thy kingsmen are no let to me."

    I like this line because it is one of the most beautiful lines.

  82. Bobby C, period 7.
    "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
    And I'll no longer be a Capulet. "

    I like this quote because she is not obeying her parents and showing her love for Romeo.

  83. There're a lot of awesome lines in this play, but the one that I most enjoy is "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast!" I like this line in the play, because it's showing the love that he has towards her. Lyn' Javen G. 7th Period.

  84. O.Trotter 7period The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars. I like that line because, it was sweet and was describing her cheeks

  85. Tyresse K. 7th perid
    O speak again ,bright angel! for thou art.
    It was interesting to me that is my opinion.

    1. patrick f 7th period i agree tyrese

  86. Ebony .M. 7th Period.
    My favorite line from Romeo and Juliet is:
    "Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast!"

    I feel Romeo is putting his love for Juliet in one of the most beautiful statements, ever.
    He's telling her to sleep peacefully in her heart.

    1. i agree with you Ebony, it is beautiful!
      Alyssa E. 7th period

  87. Quittany G.,7th Period
    "Tis but thy name that is my enemy: thou art thyself, though not a Montague."
    This line was interesting to me because I have heared it several times and it stood out to me.

  88. My favorite quote:Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say 'Ay,'
    And I will take thy word. I like this because I love how she wants him to prove his love Alize' Martin 7th period

  89. Patrick f. 7th period The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.I thought it was a good line because it express their love.

  90. "O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?"

    I chose this line because it is a very beautiful and famous quote. Everybody has heard this line at least once and it is very special.
    Kaylee R. 7th Period.

  91. Reed.S 7th Period

    "I know not how to tell thee who i am
    My name, dear saint, is hateful to myself"

    I picked this line because he is saying that he hates his own name since it is an enemy to her family. He will deny his own name to be with Juliet. The name Montegue is a disgrace to him and he would throw it away at the first chance.

  92. "Oh Romeo, Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo?

    I like this part of the poem because it shows Juliet's affection for Romeo. I also find it a coincidence that she's saying all these nice things about him and he's there listening to her. This part of the poem is one of the most famous parts too.

  93. Adarius M. Period 6
    Oh Romeo, Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo?

    I like this part of the poem because it shows Juliet's affection for Romeo. I also find it a coincidence that she's saying all these nice things about him and he's there listening to her. This part of the poem is one of the most famous parts too.

  94. Adarius M. Period 4
    "Oh Romeo, Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo?

    I like this part of the poem because it shows Juliet's affection for Romeo. I also find it a coincidence that she's saying all these nice things about him and he's there listening to her. This part of the poem is one of the most famous parts too.

  95. Juliet: Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love. That was my favorite part of the poem because Juliet was willing to deny what her father said for her love for Romeo.
    David B. 7th Period

  96. Joshua C 7th Period

    My favorite line is line 183 and 184
    "How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night,like softest music to attending ears!"

    I like this line because it explains how they talk to each other as lovers.

  97. Tray T 7th period

    O Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo ?
    Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
    Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworm my love,
    And i'll no longer be a Capulet
