Friday, September 13, 2019

Essay Contest

Happy 200th Birthday Covington County!
Covington County’s Chamber of Commerce and its Education Committee wants to invite you to

celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of Covington County by participating in a

countywide essay contest. This competition is open for 5th-12th graders, and each grade

level will have a winner to receive a prize. The topic should be about what you believe was the most

significant part of Covington County’s history. This may be a person, place, or event that helped to

create or affect Covington County. Be sure to include your name and grade level on your cover letter

ONLY. A good resource to consider is Covington Crossroads on the Covington County school website: 

Who Can Compete: any student from 5th-12th grade in Covington County
Requirements: Must have a cover letter, must be typed and printed with 12pt font
Length: no longer than 2 pages
Due: September 20th, 2019

Five Paragraph Essay Template