Monday, January 15, 2018

The Diary of Anne Frank

The Diary of Anne Frank

Unit Daily Lesson Plans

Day 1 -  Computer Lab

  • As a pre-reading activity to activate their prior knowledge about Anne Frank and the Holocaust, ask students to complete the anticipation guide at the following address:
  • The anticipation guide includes questions (no right or wrong answers) concerning issues they will encounter in the text (see sample next page)
  • Briefly explain upcoming unit and that throughout the unit students will publish their own diary.
  • Pass out personal diary rubrics and go over requirements and expectations
  • Briefly review word processing functions (opening files, saving to a disk, formatting, font size/color/style, etc,)
  • Instruct students to begin journal entry one saving it to their disk:
    • Here’s what I know about the Holocaust…
    • Here’s what I want to know about the Holocaust…
  • If extra time, allow students to begin working on the cover of their diary

Day 2 - Classroom

  • Have students copy brief notes from overhead about the Holocaust and background on Anne Frank, explaining and discussing as you go
  • “Remembering Anne Frank” article…have students read the article and answer the reading guide questions as they read.  Finish for homework if necessary.

Day 3 - Classroom

  • Go over “Remembering Anne Frank” reading guide questions/answers. (Current Events Magazine, Issue 20, pgs. 2a-2d)
  • Put grammar sentences on overhead and have students copy, making grammatical corrections
  • Let students get with a partner to discuss sentences and decide on the proper grammar for each sentence
  • Choose students to type the corrected sentences on the computer, showing on the TV screen, via the LTV Presenter.  Edit the sentences as a class, making sure students copy down the grammatical correct sentence, discussing rationale/rules as you go.
  • Have students define words from "The Diary of Anne Frank" vocabulary list, and write a sentence with each word, finishing for homework if necessary.

Day 4 - Computer Lab

  • Journal Entry 2:  Pretend you had one hour to prepare to go into hiding.  You can NEVER return to your home.  You can not carry a suitcase; it would be obvious you were going into hiding.  It is winter, therefore VERY cold outside and there is limited food where you are going.  What items would you take with you?  How would you disguise these items and how would you carry them?
  • Review vocabulary definitions, allow students to share the sentences they wrote
  • Using crossword puzzle software already loaded on computer, or go to , and instruct students to create a QUALITY crossword puzzle using at least 20 of the 25 words they previously defined.

Day 5 - Classroom

  • Journal entry 3:  A diary is…  How do you feel about diaries/journals?
  • Take up crossword puzzles.  Copy all puzzles that are accurate and educational for later distribution.
  • Virtual tour of Auschwitz concentration camp at
  • Pass out spreadsheet assignment handout and discuss expectations (may allow students to work with a partner or individually)
  • Have students start on spreadsheet assignment (see sample chart)

Day 6 - Computer Lab

  •  Journal entry 4: After seeing pictures of concentration camps and learning a little about the Holocaust and Anne Frank, I feel…
  • Finish spreadsheet assignment
  •  Read Act I, Scenes 1-2, finish for homework if necessary

Day 7 – Classroom

  • Read Act I, Scenes 1-2, discussing as you go````
  • Journal entry 5 (to be word processed at a later time):
    1. If you had to live in hiding and could not make a sound from 9am-6pm everyday, except Sunday, and had no electronic toys to entertain yourself, what would you do?  Make up a daily schedule for one of your days, by listing an activity for every hour from 9-6
    2. Anne’s father tells her to remember, “There are no walls, there are no bolts, no locks that anyone can put on your mind.”  Respond to this quote…Do you agree?  Disagree?
  • Pass out variety of vocabulary puzzles, making sure each student gets a different puzzle than the one they created.  Finish for homework if necessary

Day 8 – Classroom

  • Read Act I, Scene 3 orally, discussing as you read.
  • Journal entry 6 (to be word processed at a later time): 
    1. Compare and contrast the character of Anne and Peter.
    2. Write a name poem for one of the characters in hiding.
  • Play vocabulary review game (Test Day 10).

Day 9 – Classroom

  • Quiz on Act I, Scenes 1-3 and background information (notes)
  • Read Act I, Scene 4
  • Journal entry 7 (to be word processed at a later time): In Scene 4 Anne describes the first thing each of the people in the secret annex would like to do after getting out of the hidden quarters.  If you were free after many months of hiding, what would be the first thing you would like to do?  WHY?
  • Vocabulary review handout, (see text page 493) for homework…vocabulary test tomorrow!!!

Day 10 – Classroom

  • Vocabulary Test
  • Read Act I, Scene 5 orally, discussing as you read
  • Journal entry 8 (to be word processed at a later time):  Prepare a holiday gift list for your family as Anne did.  Include only items that cost no money.  Write an explanation of why each gift is just right for the person receiving it.

Day 11 – Classroom

  • Put grammar sentences 1-10 on the overhead and have students copy, making grammatical corrections
  • Let students confer with a partner and decide on the correct grammar for each sentence
  • Choose students to type corrected sentences on the computer, showing on the TV screen, via the LTV presenter.  Edit as a class, discussing as you go, making sure students are copying the corrected sentences
  • Read Act 2, Scene 1, may finish for homework

Day 12 – Classroom

  • Discuss Act 2, Scene 1
  • Read Scenes 2-5, discussing as you go
  • Journal entry 9 (to be word processed at a later time): 
    1. What feelings did you experience at the end of the play?
    2. Anne’s diary was published in more than 50 countries.  The play, based on her diary, won a Pulitzer Prize and was made into a movie.  Why do you think Anne’s diary and her story have attracted so much attention?
    3. At the end of the play Mr. Frank says Anne was happy at the concentration camp.  Why does he think this?
    4. The last quote that Mr. Frank reads from the diary is, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.”  What does this tell us about Anne’s character?  What do you think about this quote?

Day 13 – Computer Lab

  • Have students go to the Online Holocaust Magazine
  • Instruct them to browse the site and that they must have a copy of a Holocaust poem and a reflection to it as entry 10 in their personal diary
  • Allow time to word processes entries done in classroom and work on cover, etc. for their personal diaries

Day 14 – Computer Lab

  • Final journal entry 11:  What I learned from The Diary of Anne Frank
  • Finish word processing journal entries
  • Edit, print and complete personal diaries

Day 15 – Classroom

  • Have students turn in journals
  • Oral discussion about the process of journalizing, writing in diaries, reflecting, etc.  Ask them what the effect of doing the entries on the computer had on this process
  • Alternative Activities:
    1. Watch Remembering Anne Frank video
    2. Unit test
    3. Watch Survivors of the Holocaust video